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December 01, 2021


Thanks so much, Carol. Yes, the tree in the center is a Siberian Larch. Lots of these from nurseries are planted in Fairbanks, as they are incredibly hardy, but this is one of a number of them from Siberia, planted in Species Trials in the Exotic Tree Plantation in the Arboretum at UAF 50 years ago. They have thrived, outgrowing all other trees in the species trials, as well as the native White Spruce, and are among the very few trees that have spawned seedlings around them in the plot. The trees in the painting, from left to right, are Birch, White Spruce, Siberian Larch, Lodgepole Pine, and Aspen. I'm having such a great time exploring this experimental grove!

That first painting is especially lovely. The light on the top branches of these trees is so evocative. That is a larch in the center?
I have not had much time to paint this winter so far. We have been in Portland. But that also means we have been able to walk in the woods, which seems to me to be good for my soul - whatever that is. All I know is that it gives me a peaceful slant the day. The light is so nice in all your paintings.

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